The Art of Walking

The Art of Walking
Mixed media mural created by St. Mary's middle and high school youth when I served as a youth minister, Easter 2021

We are journeying back Home, but what if our journey is interrupted by accidents, or illness or falls? This is part of my history and I've realized over the years that the more I share it, the more God uses it to for healing. Indeed He brings life and resurrection out of any cross.

On Sep 3, 2015 my 19yr brother, Felipe who had severe Autism and mental retardation was walking around a lake with me, fell in and drowned. I was by my self. I jumped in but could not save him. I was miraculously rescued by a good hearted man who used the leash of his German shepherd to pull me out. As a survivor, therapist, client and child of God, I'd like to offer a few insights I've received from these past 8 years: 

*When pain is so deep, our prayers  to God might be in the form of tears, fists on pillows, screams, silence or any form of nonverbal expression. Frontal lobes don't work when we are traumatized. 

*If left unprocessed, if kept to ourselves, unprocessed pain can paralyze our joy, our muscles, our ability to dream and to give and receive love. Therefore time alone does not heal, it just buries deeper the wound if left untreated. 

*Somatic and expressive arts therapy is crucial, so are massages and hugs but the soul wound can only be fully restored by the soul maker. We all have our roles to play. 

*Mama Mary is the only one that knows how to be at the cross. Mama is tender and gentle.  Mama knows how to stop walking and simply hold us if we let her.

*Trust is another word for Love. So when Christ asked Peter: do you love me? He asked me: do trust me? Do you trust that I was there? At the cross with you?  and though I was physically alone at the lake, I cant deny that the same God that was at the cross was wailing with me. His words are true: I am with you always.

 So why does He allow tragedies to occur? I've been asked that many times in these past 8 years. My answer so far: God is not immune to suffering: look at the crucifix. Through Christ He died too AND rose which makes Him the only one that can redeem or transform my crosses and resurrect me to the awareness that we are heirs to a depth of life beyond this physical realm.

What a privilege to be here and play a role in this big body of Christ with all of you. The cross is not the end, death be not proud. We are made from and for eternity. That is why I keep on walking because by grace I trust Him and that gives purpose and meaning to my steps. 

Deep thank you to all who have journeyed with me, and are part of my community. We all need each other: Our healing has infinite repercussions! 

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